Unrivalled insight from The Media Eye's unique, exclusive and comprehensive platform.

Our market-leading forward planning calendar, integrated with the industry's talent and influencer contact database, features full social and audience stats, verified and curated by our expert team.


Relevance is intelligence.

Use detailed criteria and context to identify talent, events and opportunities, to match your audience, brief and project.

  • Identify relevant talent by detailed criteria including follower spikes across Instagram, TikTok, X and Facebook
  • Target talent by specific audience segmentation, locate emerging talent and rising stars
  • Search the most exclusive events in the UK and worldwide over the next 12 months and beyond
  • Identify active talent and upcoming launches, openings and interview and dressing opportunities
  • Access contacts at agencies, management companies and PR consultancies
  • Create, share and export shortlists


Assess the context, impact and influence.

Our metrics allow you to assess availability, and talent and influencer credibility with your audience, to ensure you maximise opportunities.

  • Gauge relevance and authenticity using audience and social stats including sentiment, engagement, sponsors and mentions
  • Access each influencer’s audience gender biases, age demographic, locations and brand engagement
  • Assess previous and current endorsements and campaigns
  • Search and browse hashtags, causes, who's trending and industry connections
  • Analyse a range of metrics including interests, skills, charity support, industry connections and audience location, to ensure talent lends credibility and visibility to your projects
  • Identify the causes, brands, events and campaigns influencers are engaging with

Zoom in on the who, what, why and where.

Access operational details, VIP attendance and Who's In Town calendars to plan your coverage and campaigns for maximum impact and exposure.

  • Identify and coordinate VIP gifting, dressing and interview opportunities
  • Avoid diary clashes and plan coverage and campaigns
  • Track opportunities by location, talent attendance and timings
  • Find out about the most under-the-radar launches, junkets, afterparties, premieres, galas and first nights
  • Book guests and panellists using our Who’s in Town filter
  • Pin, export, diarise, and share lists


Ensure your outreach is effective.

Connect with PRs, publicists, brands, agents, managers, bookers, publishers, stylists, event organisers and in-house teams to book, interview, collaborate with and obtain comment from talent and diary opportunities.

  • Maintain and develop industry relationships, accessing over 100,000 direct contacts
  • Obtain direct and verified contact details for talent and influencers including stylists, agents, publicists and lawyers
  • Access multiple contacts for each opportunity across our international planning diary
  • View agencies by roster and filter by talent criteria or agent
  • Connect with niche agencies and contacts for emerging talent and events
  • Collate, save and get in touch using our bespoke lists and export features

Track talent and upcoming projects, and plan to perfection.

Monitor and follow your selected talent, events and campaigns, to ensure you’re abreast of new collaboration and projects, shifts in opinion, and changing social footprints.

  • Analyse and track follower, engagement and sentiment spikes
  • Access details on new brand collaborations and campaigns as they break
  • Track and monitor peer and competitor activity
  • Initiate bespoke reports to your own unique project briefs
  • Monitor account moves and changes in representation
  • Use our email alerts and notifications in calendar/s to catch every update.